Participatory governance
The RIS4 Governance System has a Steering Committee responsible for directing the strategy and approving the work proposed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. The latter is in charge of validating the monitoring of the implementation of the strategy as well as reviewing and approving the actions developed by the 22 Thematic Working Groups, which serve as continuous consultation for the rest of the agents. The Technical Secretariat, for its part, coordinates, promotes and evaluates the strategy, as well as its dynamism.

Monitoring and assessment
The RIS4 builds on the experience and learning acquired in the previous period (RIS3) and establishes several objectives for its follow-up
- Improving information gathering processes.
- Carrying out continuous monitoring and oriented to subsequent evaluation.
- Displaying the information in a simple and accessible format.
The evaluation of the strategy will make it possible to measure progress in achieving the strategic objectives, focusing on the following aspects:
- Evaluating the correct design of the strategy and its possible improvements.
- Assessing the progress and manner in which these measures have been implemented.
- Assessing the scope of the direct results obtained with the measures.
- Valuing governance and participation in design and implementation.
- Obtaining recommendations for the improvement of the design, measures and their indicators.
- Contributing to transparency.
Steering Committee
Direction of the Strategy, as well as the approval of the work proposed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee.
Constituted by:
- Head of the Ministry of Enterprise, Employment, Universities and Spokesperson.
- Head of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Digital Administration.
- Rector of the University of Murcia.
- Rector of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena.
- Rector of the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia.
- President of the Regional Confederation of Business Organisations of Murcia.
- Murcia Regional Development Agency (INFO).
Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
Validating the monitoring of the implementation of the strategy and review and approve the actions developed by the Thematic Tables.
Composed of:
- Head of the Ministry of Enterprise, Employment, Universities and Spokesperson.
- Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia
- DG for Budgets and European Funds
- DG of Informatics and Digital Transformation
- DG of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity
- DG of the European Union
- DG for Trade and Business Innovation
- DG for Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture
- DG for Planning, Research, Pharmacy and Citizen Care
- DG of Universities
- DG for Research and Scientific Innovation
- DG for Vocational Training and Innovation
- Representative of Social Economy
- Regional Confederation of Business Organisations of Murcia
- Representative of Technology Centres of the Region of Murcia.
- Foundation for Health Training and Research.
- Representatives of the European Business and Innovation Centres.
- Fundación Séneca. Agency of Science and Technology Region of Murcia.
- Murcian Institute for Agrarian and Food Research and Development (IMIDA)
- Tourism Institute of the Region of Murcia
- Representative of the Ministry of Development
- Representative of the Regional Employment and Training Service
Technical Secretariat
Coordination, impetus, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy, as well as transmission of recommendations, proposals or mandates between the committees.
Consisting of:
- Murcia Regional Development Agency (INFO).
- DG for Budgets and European Funds
- DG for Trade and Business Innovation
- DG of Universities and Scientific Research and Innovation
- Fundación Séneca. Agency of Science and Technology Region of Murcia.
Advisory bodies
- Regional Advisory Council on Science, Technology and Innovation
- Entrepreneurship Council of the Region of Murcia